See it, Stop it!

A new smartphone app is being launched as part of a campaign to raise awareness of adult safeguarding in Gosport and other Hampshire communities.

See it, Stop it! was developed by Hampshire County Council in collaboration with the Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board.

Councillor Liz Fairhurst, Hampshire’s Executive Member for Adult Social Care, said: "Abuse can take many forms and it is important that people are better able to recognise when abuse may be happening and know what steps they can take to protect a person.

"This app is one way in which we are looking to raise public awareness so that professionals, other staff and communities as a whole play their part in preventing, identifying and responding to abuse and neglect."

Carol Bode, Independent chair of HSAB, added: "Adult abuse can happen to anyone, anywhere and the responsibility for tackling it lies with all of us.

"By launching this app we want to continue to raise awareness of abuse

with both the public and professionals and I would urge anyone who has concerns about someone resident in Hampshire to report them."

HSAB was established in 2003 and is a multiagency partnership providing strategic leadership for adult safeguarding across the local authority area.

It has an independent chair and its remit is to agree objectives, set priorities and co-ordinate the strategic development of adult safeguarding.

The app is available on Google Play and the Apple app store.

In addition to the app, an online ‘alerter’s guide’ has been created outlining the simple steps people can take if they know or think someone is being abused.

If anyone has any concerns about themselves or they think someone is being abused they should contact Hampshire County Council on 0300 555 1386 or the police on 101.

In an emergency, or if people suspect that they, or someone else, is in immediate danger, phone 999.