A government grant has been issued to Southern Domestic Abuse Service (SDAS) to help victims across Havant, East Hampshire, Fareham and Gosport.
SDAS received £43,000 to help victims live safely in their homes. SDAS will be employing a co-ordinator to work with vulnerable people making their homes secure and reducing their risk of staying in their own homes.
The News reported that 47 homes will be made available for those who need refuge, by councils either buying or renting homes for them. But an alternative is securing homes where victims are living, rather than moving them to temporary accommodation. It is known as target hardening or a sanctuary scheme and is available to victims who want to stay in their own home as long as the pepetrator has left. It is free for victims, regardless of whether they are on their own or living with their families. Individuals who are privately renting or own their own homes can also get it, but agencies must be satisfied that without the work the victim would be likely to become homeless.
SDAS will be working in parternship with The Blue Lamp Trust to offer the new service. Further details can be found at www.southerndas.org