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Scams targeting the hospitality sector

Analysis of crime reports by the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau reveals that the hospitality sector is increasingly being targeted by criminals impersonating IT providers. Typically, fraudsters will call restaurants and hotels purporting to be a representative of the company that provides their reservation or booking system. The criminals will try to

Man jailed for shoplifting series

Jayden Robinson, aged 24 and of no fixed abode, was arrested on 27 January and subsequently charged with the following shoplifting offences: Theft of £74.80 worth of meat and household goods from One Stop on Elson Road in Gosport on 12 January. Theft of £69.55 worth of meat and household goods from

Man jailed for serious Gosport assault

A man has been jailed for a serious assault in Gosport. On 17 May 2022 the victim, a man in his 20s, was with a friend outside an address in St Johns Square at around 5am when he was approached by Aiden West and Stanley Lambie who had come from inside

Man charged with stalking woman in Gosport

A man has been charged with stalking a woman known to him in Gosport. Officers have been investigating a number of incidents that took place between 15 May and 11 August this year.  Following enquiries, 33-year-old Nathan Dempsey, of Gazelle Close in Gosport, has been charged with stalking, and has been

Christmas burglary advice from Hampshire Constabulary

At home: Don’t advertise your gifts to burglars and leave presents in view of a window. Register valuable gifts for free at Think about how you dispose of packaging for expensive goods and don’t leave it on display outside of your property. Make your home look occupied wherever possible. Closing curtains and using

Teenager jailed for knife offence and assault in Gosport

A Gosport teenager has been jailed after admitting a knife offence and serious assault. The 16-year-old boy, who can’t be identified for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to possession of a knife, causing grievous bodily harm without intent, and affray when he appeared at Portsmouth Magistrates’ Court on Friday 11 November. This follows

Volunteer Police Cadet Leaders needed

Volunteer Police Cadet Units across Hampshire are urgently in need of new leaders. The Volunteer Police Cadets scheme provides a safe environment where young people can learn as individuals, develop positive relationships with the police and actively support the community. Volunteering your time as a Cadet Leader is a very personally rewarding

Man jailed for nine years for raping a teenager in a Gosport alleyway

Martin Butler attacked the girl, who was aged 16 at the time of the incident, in an alleyway off Gosport High Street between 5pm and 6pm on 19 November 2021. Portsmouth Crown Court heard that 43-year-old Butler, of Harbour Road in Gosport, then made threats that he would return and find

National Week of Action to Tackle Knife Crime launched

Operation Sceptre, an initiative to tackle knife crime, starts today, Monday 14 November 2022.  Hampshire Police alongside, the British Transport Police will take part in intensified efforts to crack down on knife-enabled crime and violence. Throughout the week of action, we will coordinate activity looking to target the root causes of

Hampshire Police warn of spate of courier and ‘Police’ fraud

Police have called on residents to remain vigilant amid a spate of courier fraud with criminals posing as bank employees, phone companies and even Police officers. Victims have been visited by fraudsters, who claim victims’ accounts have been subject to fraudulent activity or are in danger of being closed  and then