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Crime Prevention advice – Scams

Door to door sales scams  There has been a reported increase in door to door sales scams in the area. Scams can take many forms, including: Convincing you to pay for goods or services that are overpriced, poor quality or not carried out. Often the work is not necessary. Pressuring to

Cyber-crime advisory service for Hampshire’s most vulnerable residents

The Blue Lamp Trust’s Bobby Scheme service – which provides free home security visits, long-life smoke alarms and advice to vulnerable residents in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, particularly the elderly and victims of burglary and domestic abuse – have launched; Cyber Bobby.  This is a scheme from the

Statement from Acting Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner on burglary attendance across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight

Burglary is a devastating crime which can cause significant distress to victims. In the past, officers have physically been deployed when a crime was in progress and all reports underwent a rigorous assessment of threat, harm and risk. Following an ongoing review of burglary deployment across Hampshire and the Isle of

Police witness appeal after male left with a broken nose

Police are appealing for witnesses after a male in his 30s was assaulted in the taxi rank area in Gosport Ferry Gardens. The male was assaulted sometime between 1am – 2am on Sunday 18th September 2022.  He was taken to hospital having sustained a broken nose and a number of cuts to

World Suicide Prevention Day

Look out for those who are not coping Everyone copes and reacts with suicidal thoughts in their own way but there are some general signs to look out for on the Samaritans website. For some people, several of these signs might apply – for others just one or two, or

Arrests made and charges brought as officers investigate Gosport burglary series

Officers have made a number of arrests and charged two people as part of an investigation into a burglary series in Gosport. Joshua Stedman, aged 31 and of no fixed abode, was arrested this weekend and charged with the following: Burglary at Hardway Sailing Club on 18 August Burglary on Beauchamp Avenue, Gosport,

Shed and outbuilding crime prevention

Following reports across Gosport and Fareham districts of non-dwelling burglaries involving sheds, outbuildings and garages Police are encouraging residents to take a look at the shed and outbuilding crime prevention page – There are a few security tips on this page which you may find useful. Anyone who has been affected

DogWatch – Calling all Dog Walkers

DogWatch is an initative run by Hampshire Police to encourage dog walkers to be pro-active and vigilant in their area whilst out walking their dogs. Do you know any local dog walking groups, charities, organisations/business in your area that can help promote this scheme? Please ask them to get in touch or

Is your child safe?

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in partnership with Hampshire County Council Children’s Services have launched a campaign aimed at parents to raise awareness of child exploitation and offer help on how to see the signs, what to do and where to get help. Child exploitation is happening

Child Centred Policing – Hampshire Constabulary

Hampshire Constabulary’s Child Abuse Investigations Team want to give you a brief insight into child-centred policing and how together we can help keep children safe. It is their commitment to provide children and young people with a first-class policing response that is child-centred and part of an integrated and effective partnership approach. The